Download the (hybrid) iso. To put it on a storage media, on an UNIX-like OS cd (as root) to the folder where you downloaded it, and run this command : dd if=ctkarchlive-0.6.iso of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Vendor_model_oftheusbstickordisk_0000000sth-0:0 Attention, this is an example : change the name of the image to the right one, and change /dev/disk/by-id/... to whatever peripheral you would like to be the Live. ⚠ All data on the storage media specified in of= will be lost !! If you take the wrong hard disk or external storage, that could cause severe data loss ! You can also directly target the peripheral, for example with of=/dev/sdb, but you're more likely to use the wrong disk this way. If you don't have an operating system yet (which is why you've downloaded ctkarch), you can use the microsoft system you presently have to put the iso on a storage media using this : I couldn't be held responsible for any problem that may occur after reading this document. Have a nice day !